About Us

Originally, a company called 2D Holdings was made aware of the sale of the Edelen Station water and sewer rights and purchased them as an investment through the Bankruptcy Court.

J&J Real Estate purchased the water and sewer rights from 2D Holdings on September 12, 2008. To see a copy of the Recorded Assignment, click here.

J&J Real Estate is a Colorado corporation registered to do business in Maryland as Edelen Servicing, LLC. It does not have any prior relationship with Messrs. Sites and West, the Edelen Station Project, the Somerset companies and their affiliates, or any owner or resident of Edelen Station.

Neither J&J Real Estate nor 2D Holdings are responsible for unkept promises of the developers.

It is the hope of J&J Real Estate that the congenial relationship with the owners continues.

That said, J&J Real Estate will aggressively pursue collection action against any delinquent owner.

Please contact us if you have any questions.